Google on Thursday, 25 June, launched a redesigned Google Photos that gives memories more prominence, bringing search front-and-centre with a new three-tab structure: Photos, Search and Library.
The main tab contains all the photos and videos but users will see larger thumbnails, auto-playing videos, and less white space between photos, Google announced via its blog post.
The new logo and design are currently available on the iOS but will soon be rolled out for Android.
As per Google, you also get a larger Memories carousel and it now also gives you the option to search for people right at the front, for quick access.
The library contains a list of the most important destinations you have visited and categorises them into Albums, Favorites, Trash, Archive and more.
Google is also giving people living in the US, EU or Canada, the option to search Google’s Print Stores on Maps where they can purchase printed products featuring their own photos.
As part of the new search tab, users will see an interactive map view of photos and videos. One can pinch and zoom around the globe to explore photos of his or her travels.
Google has also moved automatic creations – like movies, collages, animations, stylized photos and more – from the ‘For you’ tab (which is now gone) into Memories.
The company has also simplified the Google Photos icon while retaining that familiar pinwheel shape to remind you of past memories.
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