Acer Nitro 5, the budget gaming laptop, has been refreshed with latest 10th generation Intel Core H-series processors in India. It now comes with up to an Intel Core i7 CPU and Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 GPU. With this refresh, the laptop will be able to perform much better than before while still being on the more affordable side. The high refresh rate display and 4-zone RGB keyboards are just the cherries on the cake. The gaming laptop is available in both 15-inch and 17-inch screen sizes.
As for the specifications, the Acer Nitro 5 comes with a 15-inch or 17-inch full-HD IPS panel with 80 percent screen-to-body ratio. The laptop even comes in a 144Hz high refresh rate panel option. It is powered by the 10th generation Intel Core H-series processors. It packs in up to 32GB of DDR4 RAM. The laptop comes with dual M.2 PCIe SSD slots support RAID 0 technology.
Being a gaming laptop, the Acer Nitro 5 now comes with a backlit keyboard that has 4-zone RGB lighting. It is backed by a 57.5Wh battery. The company claims that the laptop can give up to 10 hours of battery life on a single charge.
Speaking on this occasion, Chandrahas Panigrahi, CMO & Consumer Business Head, Acer India said, “In order to stay ahead with the increasing demand for gaming PC’s in India, Acer is excited to introduce our first 10th Gen Intel® Core™ gaming laptop designed for both core and casual Indian gaming enthusiasts. The new range is built with an emphasis on strong performance, responsiveness, and intelligent design. We are confident in continuing to offer the best experience with innovation and outstanding features for gaming fanatics.”
Roshni Das, Director – Marketing, Intel India said, “Performance and mobility are both top of mind for gamers today and Intel is committed to delivering the best PC gaming experiences on laptops. Our 10th Gen Intel® Core™ H-series mobile platform is optimized for enthusiasts, pushing the frequency envelope and delivering amazing game play in mobile form factors. The Nitro 5 is Acer’s first 10th Gen Intel® Core™ powered gaming laptop in the Indian market, offering high-performance, immersive gaming experiences with the flexibility to game from anywhere.”
Price and Availability
Acer Nitro 5 is available with a starting price tag of Rs. 72,990. The gaming laptop will be available for purchase via the Acer India website, authorised e-commerce platforms, and retail outlets.
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