Bangalore: Spending by national, federal and local governments worldwide on technology products and services is forecast to grow slightly by 0.3 percent to $430.1 billion in 2016, growing to $476.1 billion by 2020. This is a turnaround after a 5.2 percent decrease in 2015, according to Gartner.
After nearly a decade of "doing more with less," government or public sector CIOs remain under pressure to further optimize IT and business costs while leading digital innovation in the public sector, the research firm said.
Government CIOs face organizational and cultural challenges that are barriers to harnessing the synergistic potential of social, mobile, data analytics, cloud and the Internet of Things (IoT) to drive transformational change.
According to Rick Howard, Research Vice President - Gartner, legacy silos of systems, data and processes reinforce "business as usual" practices and behaviors that limit government participation in broader partner ecosystems capable of supporting fully digital end-to-end citizen services.
"In the digital service economy, government must make strategic investments in IT or risk perpetuating suboptimal business and service models that are financially unsustainable in the long term. Government CIOs who are too slow to adopt the technology innovations that are transforming private sector service industries will increase business risk and cost, while compromising the mission of their organizations," said Howard.
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