Mark Zuckerberg announced his community's...

Mark Zuckerberg Said., 

our quarterly earnings and gave an update on our community's progress to connect the world.Our community now has more than 1.55 billion people, including more than 1 billion people active every day., more than 15 million people now have access to the opportunities of the Internet who didn't before.In the last three months, we've also announced our first aircraft to beam down internet access, our first satellite launch to deliver connectivity, an AI-powered digital assistant and our first Oculus virtual reality consumer release.Our community has a lot to be proud of.Thank you for being a part of our community, and for helping to connect the world.

About Naga Jaya Swaroop

TecDigi is Developed by Naga Jaya Swaroop – Master in Technology. Dream to Provide Latest Updates and Technologies to Everyone in Single platform.
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