WiTricity, a Watertown-based company, committed to the idea of wireless electricity, has emerged with a new technology that uses coupled resonators to power electronic devices wirelessly. Professor Morin Soljačić and his team from MIT are the minds behind this mind blowing technology.
Many of the new technologies are focusing on how to eliminate wires from our lives and technologies like WiGig Alliance are trying to make the data transmission quicker and more reliable without the need of any wires.
And another one is WiTricity, dedicated to wirelessly charge our devices or in fact WiTricity wants you to forget about charging your devices, as they’ll be charging all the time without you to put them on some electric plate, like the WiFi network.\
The Landline Inspiration
MIT Professor Marin Soljačić, pronounced as Soul-ye-cheech, is the man behind the base concept of WiTricity. It all started one late night, when Morin in his pajamas, went to his kitchen only to find his landline beeping constantly, oh! I’m sorry, it was his mobile, as he forgot to charge it that day. And then a thought popped up in his mind,
There is electricity wired all through this house, all through my office—everywhere. This phone should take care of its own charging!
And for my lazy readers, I’m too lazy to write about resonating frequency, so you should move your hands towards the keyboard and Google resonating frequency.
Morin’s Hard Work
The next day Morin woke up, but he was damn serious and fully committed to transform his landline, back to a mobile phone. He gathered two other curious minds, MIT guys Karalis and Joannopoulos, who also wanted to get back their mobile phones. Morin wanted to achieve the theoretical implementation of how to couple two magnetic resonators to achieve the wireless transfer of electricity. They were able to publish their results in the Annals of Physics journal twice, in 2006 and 2008.Morin with his team, were now able to successfully present the working model of what they believed to would revolutionize the way people use electricity. They demonstrated their project with two five-turn copper coils having a diameter of 60 cm, placed about 2 metres away. The coils were to act as coupled resonators clocked at 9.9 MHz frequency and had the same orientation axis. One of the coils was connected to a power source and the other to a 60W light bulb. They blocked line of sight by a wooden block and still were able to successfully light the bulb at around 90% efficiency at a distance of 0.9 metres. And that’s how they were able to demonstrate wireless electricity in motion.
Imparting the success from his proposed experimental results, Morin was confident enough to transform his experiment into a commercial success. And so the company WiTricity originated with an intent to eliminate the want of all the power adapters and batteries, and to pursue the true existence of wireless electricity.
WiTricity Devices
The development of this technology has received global recognition and appraisal. CEO Eric Giler presented this wireless electricity-based technology which propelled the formation of WiTricity, at the TED Global Conference, Oxford, in July 2009. He demonstrated the transfer of wireless electricity to a television and three different mobile phones channeled by a WiTricity powering unit.WiTricity with a vision of “Wireless Everywhere”, is busy designing products for various domains like consumer electronics, automobiles, medical devices, and much more. Their current product line: Prodigy, WiCAD, WiT 5000C3, WiT 5000, WiT 3000. Prodigy is a demo kit, allows you to get a ball-park estimation of the WiTricity technology and to experiment wireless electricity transmission.
Winding Up
WiTricity has so far adhered to what Morin thought that night when he was in his pajamas and woke up due to the beeping of his landline, oh! I missed it again, his mobile. In addition to all the good things, WiTricity has been working to harness the true wireless electricity. Questions are raised regarding the health effects due to their new technology, but the Watertown-based company has its part to say:
WiTricity products are being designed to comply with applicable safety standards and regulations.
Watch this video and improve your knowledge:
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